I am a high-performance specialist dedicated to achieving perfect execution in elite sport. My philosophy is built on the concept of 'One System of Systems', the seamless integration of body, mind and mechanics.
My expertise lies at the intersection of science and art, designing and implementing elite performance systems for athletes and organisations.

Africa Sports Legacy partners with governments and organisations to share expertise and implement structures that maximise the opportunities within sport and sports tourism for the socio-economic growth of African societies.

Head of Performance
As Head of Performance at Halifax Panthers my role is to implement the One System of Systems philosophy, ensuring that every aspect of player development, conditioning and game strategy functions as part of a unified framework.
I engage in projects that focus on performance optimisation as well as those that leverage sport for socio-economic development. My work is centred on creating structured, sustainable frameworks that drive long-term impact for individuals, organisations and countries.
The perfect performance exists.
We train with the conscious intention to meet its requirements.

Neuromuscular Speed Specialist
CEO, Africa Sports Legacy
Head of Performance, Halifax Panthers
Want to collaborate? Reach out for enquiries, partnerships or more information about my work.